Michael Moore face un film despre criză

Michael Moore [îl ştiţi, americanu’ simpatic care a făcut Fahrenheit 9/11, Sicko şi Bowling for Columbine] lucrează la un nou documentar despre colapsul financiar, „cea mai mare escrocherie din istoria Statelor Unite ale Americii”. Până una – alta, Michael le cere ajutorul celor care au lucrat sau lucrează pe Wall Street şi ne promite că o să ne placă filmul atunci când va fi gata.

I am in the middle of shooting my next movie and I am looking for a few brave people who work on Wall Street or in the financial industry to come forward and share with me what they know. Based on those who have already contacted me, I believe there are a number of you who know „the real deal” about the abuses that have been happening. You have information that the American people need to hear. I am humbly asking you for a moment of courage, to be a hero and help me expose the biggest swindle in American history.

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