5 Best Practices for Responsive Web Design (P)


Responsive design for web (RWD) is an internet development technique that allows for dynamic modifications to the look and feel of a site, depending on the size and direction that the gadget utilized to browse it.

RWD is a way to solve the challenge in designing a website for the plethora of devices accessible to consumers which range from small phones to gigantic screen monitors for desktops.

RWD utilizes breakpoints for determining how a website will appear. One design is applied over a breakpoint while another one is applied below the breakpoint. The breakpoints are usually determined by the size of the web browser.

A Mobile-first Approach to Responsive Web Design

Mobile-first web design involves creating the mobile version first, before progressing towards the desktop-friendly version. There are numerous reasons that this method works effectively.

  1. Mobile websites pose more usability issues (this most likely is due to absence of real estate on the screen) It’s therefore more sensible and more efficient to have the main concentration to be on mobile-friendly design.
  2. It’s much easier to expand on mobile than to reduce the size of on the desktop versions just for example visit website Siteswise on mobile.
  3. Mobile web design allows you to review what’s visually and essential.

Best methods in responsive design for web pages

We have mentioned 5 best practices to apply when creating Responsive web design.

1: Plan your content

A website that is not designed with having a clear understanding of its structure is similar to picking out frames before you’ve made an artwork. You must know how to organize your information to be able to see the larger image.

Design and content are a lot more effective when created in conjunction. Both components give one another significance, therefore it’s essential to arrange your content in a clear manner. Let’s take a look at a sample taken from Sites Surf website.

2: Don’t Forget About Landscape Orientation

We discussed specific breakpoints that respond to our needs however, we should be aware that viewports that are mobile can be viewed in landscape orientation, too.

Although implementing fluid layouts can technically allow the content to be adaptable, the loss of a significant portion of the landscape viewport could hinder the user-friendliness and accessibility.

Navigations are typically safe (sometimes they’re more secure because the majority of users navigate with a using only two thumbs) However, scrolling can be a lot more difficult and less than optimal as users have to scroll more in landscape.

3: Call-to-action button is must

The call-to action (CTA) is an essential element on any website. Links and buttons that include an action call serve as waypoints that tell users which direction to take next. It can be difficult for users to know how and where they should buy or join the program if they don’t have clearly defined CTAs.

Its CTA button should be visible off the webpage in style, color size, and shape. Most of the time, circular, square and rectangular components are the most well-known. If you are too creative in the form of your buttons could cause confusion for visitors to the website So, stick to the traditional forms.

The size of your buttons can impact the way people will recognize it or use it. So be sure it’s user-friendly for devices that use touchscreens. Make sure you have ample space around the buttons of importance as well as text links to avoid the chance of misclicks.

4: Responsive Images

As previously mentioned, certain devices show more pixels per inch which could result in images appearing blurry if not exported in the right resolution. Based upon the resolution on your device certain will require images that are double (2x) as well as triple (3x) or even the quadruple (4x) in size. Web browsers are now able to support this. element, which selects the appropriate resolution based upon the gadget.

5: Make sure you only use the words you require

Desktops permit greater text, but this can be a negative. On mobile devices, you have to work within the limitations on smaller screen sizes. This means you must write efficiently making sure that each word is used to propel your story ahead.

Use clear copy that communicates the purpose of your site Use typography with care. Maintain a consistent font style with your branding and keep to a minimum the number of fonts to keep from overwhelming visitors trying to navigate the website.

Final Words

Responsive web design is a technique and not a solution. Although responsive design offers many advantages in designing for different devices, it is not a guarantee of a good experience (just like using a gourmet recipe doesn’t guarantee the creation of a delicious dish.) Teams should focus on the finer points of design, content, and performance to ensure that users are supported across all devices.

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